Course Descriptions
Below are the courses that were offered at STAAR 2019. If you are interested in purchasing course notes for these workshops, please visit the Proceedings page for more information.
Pre-Symposium Workshops
Basic Manual Therapy for the Canine Spine (Two full day Pre-Symposium workshop)
Instructor: Laurie Edge-Hughes, BScPT, M.Anim.St. (Animal Physio), CAFCI, CCRT
Course Description: In this workshop, participants are led through a detailed evaluation of the canine spine from a mechanical perspective. Focus will include manual therapy concepts and evidence-based rationale for treatment selection. An integrated model for dealing with spinal mechanics will be covered, including force closure, form closure, and motor control and timing for the neck, back, pelvis, and ribs. Participants will gain greater depth and understanding of spinal mechanics, a better appreciation for the detection of spinal dysfunctions, and the ability to manually treat the spinal system via mobilization techniques. Instruction will also be given on testing musculoskeletal control of the spine. Participants will be taught prescribed therapeutic exercises targeting fine motor control and core stability. Concepts regarding pain control and resolution of maladaptive postures and behaviors will also be discussed.
Learning Objectives:
Participants will learn about the evidence-based effectiveness of mobilizations / manipulations.
Participants will learn anatomy and biomechanics as it pertains to the cervical, thoracic, and lumbar spine regions, as well as the rib articulations and pelvis/sacroiliac joints.
Participants will gain basic, fundamental palpation and assessment skills specific to the axial skeleton.
Participants will learn and become comfortable with basic, fundamental mobilization techniques specific to the axial skeleton.
Participants will learn how to select different treatment techniques in response to assessment findings and the goal of manual therapy treatment.
Participants will learn how and when to incorporate manual therapy for the axial skeleton into their treatment regimens.
Course Outline:
Mobilization and traction background principles and evidence to support these treatment techniques
Cervical spine (anatomy and biomechanics)
Thoracic spine and ribs (anatomy and biomechanics)
Lumbar spine (anatomy and biomechanics)
Pelvis and sacroiliac joints (anatomy and biomechanics)
Cervical spine (manual palpation, assessment, mobilization techniques, and stabilization exercises)
Thoracic spine and ribs (manual palpation, assessment, mobilization techniques, and stabilization exercises)
Lumbar spine (manual palpation, assessment, mobilization techniques, and stabilization exercises)
Pelvis and sacroiliac joints (manual palpation, assessment, mobilization techniques, and stabilization exercises
16.0 credit hours (RACE Approved)
Canine Neurodynamics: Testing and Treating the Nerves of the Thoracic Limb (One full day Pre-Symposium workshop)
Instructor: Sabine Hárrer, PT, MT (OMT), LDT, MTT
Course Description: This full-day workshop will introduce participants to the basic theory of canine neurodynamics and neuro-biomechanics, and build upon this when examining and treating dysfunction of the thoracic limb. Attendees will learn why dysfunctions of the dura mater affect meningeal structures and can lead to peripheral nerve problems. The course will include examination, palpation, and treatment of the dura mater, and brachial plexus, and nerves of the thoracic limb, and explore further how nerve adhesions lead to extremity dysfunctions.
Learning Objectives:
The attendee will learn how to examine the membranes of the dura mater and brachial plexus.
The attendee will be able to identify adhesions in neurogenic structures and how to differentiate them from orthopedic or muscular disorders.
The attendee will learn how to detect and treat dysfunctions of the thoracic limb (using video and hands-on training).
Course Outline:
Theory of neurodynamics and how it relates to dysfunction
Differentiation of dysfunction - dura mater, nerve, joint, muscle
Manual nerve assessment
Examination and treatment of the brachial plexus
Examination and treatment of the suprascapular, musculocutaneous, and axillary nerves
Examination and treatment of the medial, radial, and ulnar nerves
Design a treatment plan for thoracic limb dysfunction
8.0 credit hours (RACE Approved)
Canine Neurodynamics: Testing and Treating the Nerves of the Pelvic Limb (One full day Pre-Symposium workshop)
Instructor: Sabine Hárrer, PT, MT (OMT), LDT, MTT
Course Description: This full-day workshop will introduce participants to the basic theory of canine neurodynamics and neuro-biomechanics, and build upon this when examining and treating dysfunction of the pelvic limb. Attendees will learn why dysfunctions of the dura mater affect meningeal structures and can lead to peripheral nerve problems. The course will include examination, palpation, and treatment of the dura mater, lumbar plexus, and nerves of the pelvic limb, and explore further how nerve adhesions lead to extremity dysfunctions.
Learning Objectives:
The attendee will learn how to examine the membranes of the dura mater and lumbar plexus.
The attendee will be able to identify adhesions in neurogenic structures and how to differentiate them from orthopedic or muscular disorders.
The attendee will learn how to detect and treat dysfunctions of the pelvic limb (using video and hands-on training).
Course Outline:
Theory of neurodynamics and how it relates to dysfunction
Differentiation of dysfunction - dura mater, nerve, joint, muscle
Manual nerve assessment
Examination and treatment of the lumbar plexus
Examination and treatment of the lateral, femoral, and saphenous nerves
Examination and treatment of the obturator and sciatic nerves
Design a treatment plan for pelvic limb dysfunction
8.0 credit hours (RACE Approved)
Symposium Workshops
Myofascial Manual Therapies for the Axial Skeleton and Extremities (One full day Symposium workshop)
Instructor: Laurie Edge-Hughes, BScPT, M.Anim.St. (Animal Physio), CAFCI, CCRT
Course Description: Fascia is a structure that surrounds all parts of the body. It is damaged by injury, weakness, poor posture, postural compensations, and neural imbalances. However, it is a frequently overlooked structure that responds well to treatment. This day-long course will help you to understand fascia and assess and treat common myofascial dysfunctions related to and affecting the axial skeleton and extremities.
Learning Objectives:
Participants will learn about the constructs and properties of the fascial system.
Participants will learn to visually analyze a canine patient to predetermine likely areas of fascial dysfunction.
Participants will improve their soft tissue palpation skills, including the ability to identify myofascial trigger points and myofascial restrictions.
Participants will learn manual techniques to address myofascial dysfunctions for both the extremities and the axial skeleton.
Participants will learn how to incorporate myofascial therapies into their treatment regimens.
Course Outline:
What is fascia and what is the purpose of the fascial system
Myofascial dysfunctions (i.e. restrictions, adhesions, elongation, and myofascial trigger points)
Myofascial restriction and therapies in the literature
Myofascial therapies and the possibility of addressing acupoints and meridians
Introduction to the concept of dermoneuromodulation
Visual analysis of canine patients
How to assess and palpate fascial restrictions
Myofascial release techniques
Myofascial trigger point therapies
Dermoneuromodulation techniques
8.0 credit hours (RACE Approved)
Enhancing Quality of Functional Movement with Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation - PNF
(One full day Symposium workshop)
Instructor: Amie Lamoreaux Hesbach, PT, DPT, CCRP, CCRT
Course Description: This full-day workshop will lead members of the canine rehabilitation team through logical treatment progressions guided by the philosophy, principles, and techniques of proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation (PNF) with an emphasis on enhancing quality of functional movements, postures, and gait in canine patients with neuromuscular and musculoskeletal disorders, injuries, and disabilities. Discussion, demonstration, and practical application of PNF-based evaluation and treatment techniques in canine rehabilitation will enhance learning and retention for attendees.
Learning Objectives:
The attendee will demonstrate understanding of the PNF philosophy during canine rehabilitation evaluation and treatment planning.
The attendee will utilize PNF principles in rehabilitation treatment to promote improved quality of functional movements in a canine patient.
The attendee will utilize PNF principles in rehabilitation treatment to promote improved symmetry, stability, and balance in functional postures in a canine patient.
The attendee will demonstrate PNF techniques to assist and resist ambulation in a canine patient.
Course Outline:
PNF theory, philosophy, principles, and techniques
PNF for progressions from recumbent to standing
PNF for postural stability
PNF for gait and beyond
8.0 credit hours (RACE Approved)
Canine Neurodynamics: Testing and Treating the Nerves of the Central Nervous System
(One full day Symposium workshop)
Instructor: Sabine Hárrer, PT, MT (OMT), LDT, MTT
Course Description: This full-day workshop will introduce participants to the basic theory of canine neurodynamics and neuro-biomechanics, and build upon this when examining and treating dysfunction of the central nervous system. Attendees will learn why dysfunctions of the dura mater affect meningeal structures and can lead to peripheral nerve problems. The course will include examination, palpation, and treatment of the dura mater, brachial and lumbar plexuses, and membranes of the cranium, and explore further how nerve adhesions lead to mobility dysfunction.
Learning Objectives:
The attendee will learn how to examine the membranes of the dura mater and central nervous system.
The attendee will be able to identify adhesions in neurogenic structures and how to differentiate them from orthopedic or muscular disorders.
The attendee will learn how to detect and treat dysfunctions of the central nervous system (using video and hands-on training).
Course Outline:
Neurodynamics and dysfunctions of the membranes of the central nervous system
Differentiation of dysfunction - dura mater, nerve, joint, muscle
Manual nerve assessment
Examination and treatment of the membranes of the cranium
Examination and treatment of the dura mater
Examination and treatment of the brachial and lumbar plexuses
Design a treatment plan for central nervous system dysfunction
8.0 credit hours (RACE Approved)
Advanced Exercise Techniques for the Pelvis (Half day Symposium workshop)
(Choose one of the below sessions)
Instructor: Debbie (Gross) Torraca, DPT, MSPT, Dip ABPTS, CCRP
Course Description: This half-day workshop will allow canine rehabilitation practitioners to determine pelvic weakness on all levels. The practitioner will gain an understanding on how to recognize pelvic weakness as a primary, secondary, or tertiary problem, as well as develop a plan to approach the region. Exercises for the pelvic region will be focused on as part of a multimodal approach to the animal. A discussion, demonstration, and plan of care will take place for the participant to understand the application of advanced exercises for the pelvic region.
Learning Objectives:
The participant will be able to identify the muscles of the pelvic region, proximal thigh, and caudal lumbar region with relation to their position and action.
The participant will be able to recognize primary, secondary, and tertiary weakness in the pelvic region.
The participant will learn and actively observe exercises focused on pelvic control.
The participant will be able to determine what exercises are appropriate for pelvic symmetry and balance.
Course Outline:
Introduction to Musculature of the Pelvic Region and Proximal Thigh
Basic Pelvic Exercises Each Dog Should Be Able to Perform
Cranial Pelvic Tilt
Caudal Pelvic Tilt
Static Pelvic Control
Dynamic Pelvic Control
Lumbosacral Instability and Pelvic Stability
Designing a Program for Pelvic Stability
4.0 credit hours (RACE Approved)
Keeping Geriatric Patients Mobile and Pain Free: Home Care and Pain Management (Half day Symposium workshop)
Instructor: Carmella Britt, DVM, CCRT
Course Description: This course will provide practical solutions for maintaining geriatric patients mobile and comfortable through the end of their senior life. We will review how physiology and biology differ in geriatric patients and how to modify pain medications and therapeutic exercises to maximize safety and efficacy. We will emphasize hands-on implementation of home care plans and solutions for common senior problems such as hindlimb weakness, urinary and fecal incontinence, bed sores, and appropriate use of assistive devices to aid in mobility.
Learning Objectives:
Understand geriatric biology and physiology.
Know basic pharmacokinetics of commonly prescribed pain relievers and level of evidence.
Be able to adjust doses of medications to minimize side effects and improve outcomes.
Learn latest advancements in joint nutraceuticals and level of evidence.
Develop a home care plan for specific conditions that commonly affect geriatric and disabled dogs.
Develop effective therapeutic exercises that are simple and maximize owner compliance.
Understand assistive devices: how to choose them, measure appropriately and improve fitting.
Course Outline:
Geriatric biology and physiology and difference from healthy adult canines
Review of NSAID, opioid, and adjunctive pain medication pharmacokinetics and level of evidence
Recommendations on appropriate dosing of pain medications for senior patients
Review of latest advancements in joint supplements and level of evidence
Common geriatric conditions faced by rehab practitioners
Home care plan to address specific conditions
Therapeutic exercises that work and maximize compliance
Review of assistive devices currently on the market - how to choose the best one for specific conditions
Review therapeutic exercises on live animals that address hindlimb weakness, urinary and fecal incontinence
Practical tools for addressing bed sores, urine scald, and other complications due to prolonged recumbency
Practice measuring for: Walkin’ Wheels, K9 carts, Eddie’s Wheels, and Dog Leggs devices
Practice manicures and pedicures to improve traction and stability
Practice placing Toe Grips for maximum efficacy and durability
4.0 credit hours (RACE Approved)
Shockwave and Laser: Uses and Protocols (Half day Symposium workshop)
Instructor: Ria Acciani, MPT, CCRP
Course Description: Shockwave (ESWT) & Laser are well established modalities in horses and dogs. However, the use of ESWT has increased in the canine population over the last 5 years. Previously this modality required sedation due to the painful nature of the delivery systems. Newer units now allow for non-sedation, quieter head and less pain which allows many ractitioners to utilize the treatment method during treatment sessions. Some of the most common questions I receive is, how is ESWT different than Laser, what is the proper dosage, and how do I know which modality to use? This workshop is an answer to these questions and more if you ask. This half-day workshop will provide the canine rehabilitation practitioner with an understanding of the benefits and biological effects of both Shockwave and Laser. Why to use one modality vs. the other. Specific uses for both modalities will be discussed & demonstrated. A protocol/guideline on use and dosage for common diagnosis treated with each modality will be given. This will be done through Lecture, Demonstration, and Lab.
Learning Objectives:
The participant will be able to understand the differences between Laser and ESWT.
The participant will be able to perform a treatment with both modalities and feel confident in their treatment method.
The participant will be able to appropriately choose the modality for the diagnosis and then treat the area with the
safest and effective dosage for optimal results and outcomes.
The participant will be able to understand the types of shockwave delivery systems, pros and cons.
The participant will be able to understand the biological effects of both modalities.
Course Outline:
Shockwave and Laser principles
Shockwave vs. Laser: Biological Effects
Shockwave delivery systems, types, pros and cons
Common Diagnosis Treated for Laser and Shockwave
Guideline/Protocol for use and dosage
How to perform a treatment with Shockwave
Demonstration and Lab with machines provided
4.0 credit hours (RACE Approved)
Mulligan Principles and Applications for Mobilization of the Canine Spine (Half day Symposium workshop)
(Choose one of the below sessions)
Instructor: Debbie (Gross) Torraca, DPT, MSPT, Dip ABPTS, CCRP
Course Description: This half-day workshop will focus on the principles of Brian Mulligan, PT, as they apply to the canine spine. The practitioner will gain an understanding of the specific principles and treatment guidelines of Brian Mulligan, specifically for manual spinal therapy, as part of a multimodal approach to the canine patient. A discussion, demonstration, and laboratory practice and assistance will aid the practitioner in the understanding of safe principles.
Learning Objectives:
The participant will be able to identify the principles and applications of Brian Mulligan.
The participant will be able to understand when to apply the Mulligan principles.
The participant will be able to perform the taught Mulligan mobilizations safely and appropriately.
The participant will be able to safely utilize the Mulligan principles in a multimodal approach to canine care.
Course Outline:
Introduction to the Mulligan Principle and Techniques
Application of Mulligan Principles to the Cervical Spine
Application of Mulligan Principles to the Thoracic and Lumbar Spine
Mulligan Principles as Part of a Multimodal Approach
4.0 credit hours (RACE Approved)
Objective and Subjective Gait Analysis: Improve Your Clinical Skills, Research Capacity, and Profitability (Half day Symposium workshop)
Instructor: Jennifer Repac, DVM, CVA, CCRT
Course Description: This course is intended to improve the practitioner’s ability to recognize lameness and changes in gait patterns to maximize clinical skills and profitability. There will be extensive review of normal and pathologic canine gait patterns. Participants will practice how to recognize changes in symmetry, stride length, foot patterns, and other body dynamics during gaiting. We will also review objective gait analysis and current products available on the market that can be easily implement in everyday clinical practice.
Learning Objectives:
Understand and be able to recognize normal canine gaits.
Recognize and be able to identify abnormal gait patterns.
Be able to localize area of musculoskeletal abnormality based on visual gait analysis.
Learn how to evaluate symmetry, stride length, changes in body posture and foot patterns.
Perfect skills to better recognize subtle lameness.
Learn how to incorporate objective gait analysis in your practice and improve your profitability.
How to choose between available objective gait analysis products currently on the market.
Course Outline:
Review normal canine gait cycles and types of gaits
Understand limb and body symmetry, stance time, stride and step length, velocity, and foot patterns
Review pathologic canine gaits and how to recognize them
Tips on how to localize the area of musculoskeletal abnormality causing the gait change
Review techniques that will improve recognition of a subtle lameness
Review of quantitative and objective gait analysis products currently on the market
Recommendations on how to effectively incorporate objective gait analysis in a rehab practice
Recommendations on gait analysis pricing to maximize clinic profitability
Observe live dogs walking and identify swing and stance phase of gait cycle
Identify type of gait pattern in live dogs
Practice using slow motion cameras to detect subtle gait changes
Practice exam techniques to improve detection of subtle lameness
Demonstrate Gait4Dog walkway, Companion stance analyzer, and Gait4Dog treadmill
4.0 credit hours (RACE Approved)
Cross Training and Rehabilitation for the High-Performance Athlete (Half day Symposium workshop)
(Choose one of the below sessions)
Instructor: Ria Acciani, MPT, CCRP
Course Description: This half-day workshop will provide the canine rehabilitation practitioner with a solid understanding of how to make a cross-training/conditioning program for both the healthy athlete and the return-to-sports phase of rehabilitation. It is well known that cross-training is important to improve fitness level, performance, reaction time, speed, agility, balance, and to prevent injury. Many canine athletes do not have this foundation to perform at their best. The practitioner will learn how to perform a strength/fitness evaluation to determine specific weaknesses, areas of compensation, and decreased flexibility. They will then be given the tools to create a customized conditioning program or return-to-sport rehab plan. This will be done through lecture, demonstration, and lab.
Learning Objectives:
The participant will be able to understand the importance of the return-to-sports phase of rehab and cross-training a canine athlete.
The participant will be able to perform a strength/fitness evaluation.
The participant will be able to determine level of fitness level 1-3.
The participant will be able to complete a comprehensive fitness/conditioning program or plan of care for return-to-sports phase.
The participant will be able to understand progression of exercise intensity.
The participant will be able to perform a proper warm-up and cool-down routine.
The participant will be able to perform quality strengthening/ther-ex/core stability exercises.
Course Outline:
Introduction of cross-training and conditioning principles
Return-to-sports phase and what it should include
Proper warm-up and cool down, with specific exercises and maneuvers
Fitness components
Exercise intensity and frequency
Strength/Fitness Evaluation
Specific demonstration of therapeutic exercises to enhance performance
4.0 credit hours (RACE Approved)
Tap Into Your Patient's Potential with Kinesiology Taping (Half day Symposium workshop)
Instructor: Amie Lamoreaux Hesbach, PT, DPT, CCRP, CCRT
Course Description: This half-day workshop will provide demonstration, discussion, and practical application of kinesiology taping for management of pain, inflammation, injury, and (neuromuscular or musculoskeletal) weakness in canine rehabilitation patients. Through a case-study format, the rehabilitation team will practice effective and safe methods of application of kinesiology tape in a variety of conditions.
Learning Objectives:
The attendee will demonstrate safe methods of utilizing kinesiology tape for canine patients with pain.
The attendee will demonstrate safe methods of utilizing kinesiology tape for canine patients with inflammation.
The attendee will demonstrate safe methods of utilizing kinesiology tape for canine patients with a musculoskeletal injury.
The attendee will demonstrate safe methods of utilizing kinesiology tape for canine patients with neuromuscular weakness.
The attendee will demonstrate safe methods of utilizing kinesiology tape for canine patients with a musculoskeletal weakness.
Course Outline:
Kinesiology Tape Principles, Biomechanics, and Methods
Kinesiology Tape Methods for Canine Rehabilitation
4.0 credit hours (RACE Approved)
Nonsurgical Management of Elbow and Stifle Conditions (Half day Symposium workshop)
(Choose one of the below sessions)
Instructor: Andrea Looney, DVM, DACVAA, DACVSMR, CCRP
Course Description: The participant will learn of basis of degenerative joint disease, pathophysiology, diagnostic means and treatment options, including regenerative therapies. Though elbow and stifle degenerative disease are the crux of this presentation on canine osteoarthritis, shoulder and hip degenerative joint disease will also be discussed in the context of how to treat the whole patient. The basis of interventional therapies is often sampling of joint fluid, visualization of the joints, flushing of the inflammatory synovial fluid, and injection of various drugs and regenerative products including PRP (platelet rich plasma), hyaluronate, stem cells, and steroids. Appropriate therapy requires knowing landmarks to scope, sample and inject, as well as to guide appropriate photobiomodulation. Participants will learn to palpate landmarks for laser therapy (photobiomodulation) including joints and trigger points, arthrocentesis, miniscope, and injection therapies on live patients. Videolab will follow on techniques of mini arthroscopy and injection of regenerative products for various canine joints.
Learning Objectives:
The participant will learn about various diseases, problems, and syndromes affecting the canine elbow and stifle, which result in degenerative joint disease.
The participant will learn through discussion and demonstration on live patients the landmarks for invasive (injection, acupuncture, trigger point) and non-invasive (photobiomodulation, acupressure) treatments.
The participant will learn ways to medically manage degenerative joint disease using modalities and various drug supplement categories.
Course Outline:
Nonsurgical overview of osteoarthritis/degenerative joint disease diagnosis, medicinal and supplement options, rehab techniques, and modalities and interventional options
Palpation of joint entry for injection therapies in live dogs
Acupuncture and acupressure trigger point palpation on live dogs
Where to laser patients
Videolab on joint injection
Miniscope visualization
4.0 credit hours (RACE Approved)
Senior Dogs – Common Issues and the Use of Laser on Acupuncture Points (2hr Symposium workshop)
(Choose one of the below sessions)
Instructor: Carrie Smith, BScPT, CCRT, CAFCI
Course Description: This 2-hour workshop will give attendees an introduction to acupuncture, particularly with respect to senior dogs. Attendees will learn the theory of acupuncture, specific point locations, and how to use laser to stimulate the effects of acupuncture without the use of needles.
Learning Objectives:
The attendee will understand the theory of acupuncture and meridians.
The attendee will understand the theory of laser with respect to indications and contraindications.
The attendee will be able to locate and stimulate 14 acupuncture points, which will aid in the treatment of senior dog conditions such as arthritis, generalized weakness, and hypomobility.
Course Outline:
Introduction to acupuncture, meridian theory, and meridians - Governing Vessel, Gall Bladder, Urinary Bladder, Liver, Kidney, Large Intestine
Laser review- indications and contraindications
Senior dogs – common conditions that can be treated with laser acupuncture
Point location on dogs (14 points) and treatment of points with laser
2.0 credit hours (RACE Approved)
Creating a Senior Dog Mobility and Exercise Program for Your Clinic and Your Clients (2hr Symposium workshop)
(Choose one of the below sessions)
Instructor: Carrie Smith, BScPT, CCRT, CAFCI
Course Description: This 2-hour workshop will teach attendees how to create their own 6-week Senior Dog Mobility Program. This program can be taught to clients and is designed as a weekly class. This is a great way to empower clients to help care of their aging pets and is a potential source of revenue for the clinic.
Learning Objectives:
The attendee will understand common conditions seen in Senior Dogs and how rehab can improve their day-to-day function.
The attendee will learn acupuncture points for emergencies.
The attendee will be introduced to the Helsinki Pain Index.
The attendee will understand the normal signs of aging.
The attendee will be able to implement a senior exercise program using common household items.
The attendee will be able to progress core, front and hind end strengthening exercises.
Course Outline:
Why run a senior dog program
Who would benefit
How to structure a 6-12 week class for clients
Helsinki Pain Index, signs of aging, The Love To List
Designing a 6-week long Senior Dog Mobility Program
Week 1 – acupuncture point for emergencies, bony landmark palpation, test the stretch, cookies at the hip/sky/feet, 2-leg balance
Week 2 – hind end PROM (hip, stifle, tarsus, toes), acupuncture points for hind end, fascial rolling, psoas problems, reciprocal inhibition, paws-up, tunnel squats and back-ups
Week 3 – front end PROM (shoulder, elbow, carpus, toes), acupuncture point for front end, painting, teres major problems, play-bow push-ups, puppy push-ups, pray stretch, toe mobilization
Week 4 – spinal mobilization, front and side sit-ups
Week 5 – proprioception, body wrap, CP reflexes, highstepping, unsteady surfaces
Week 6 – circuit training, putting it all together
2.0 credit hours (RACE Approved)
Introduction to Craniosacral Therapy (Half day Symposium workshop)
Instructor: Laurie Edge-Hughes, BScPT, MAnimSt (Animal Physio), CAFCI, CCRT
Course Description: This workshop is designed to provide participants with a background into craniosacral therapy. A brief history of osteopathy (and specifically craniosacral therapy) concepts and theories will be explored. Participants will be challenged to explore a new paradigm of palpation, assessment, and treatment by feeling for and working with the craniosacral rhythm. A therapy protocol for a sample craniosacral session will be learned.
Learning Objectives:
Participants will be introduced to osteopathy and craniosacral therapy.
Participants will be instructed in the indications and contraindications for craniosacral therapy.
Participants will gain a basic understanding of the gentle touch and perceptions required to practice craniosacral therapy.
Participants will improve their touch skills in order to feel for craniosacral rhythm.
Participants will be instructed in concepts specific to craniosacral therapy utilization (listening, still points, release points, balancing, etc).
Participants will learn how and where to induce a ‘still point’.
Participants will learn how to address the key ‘release points’.
Participants will learn a multistep protocol to use in whole or in part to input craniosacral therapy into their toolkit of therapy options.
Course Outline:
Introduction to craniosacral therapy & osteopathy
Craniosacral rhythm
Right brain / left brain
Light forces
Tissue release phenomenon and the therapeutic pulse
“Get over yourself & just try it!!!”
A Craniosacral Protocol
Still points
L7-Se decompression
Ilial gap
Dural tube glide
Individual spinal bones
Paired extremity bones
Still point
4.0 credit hours (RACE Approved)
The “Core” of Therapeutic Exercise for Alignment, Balance, and Control (Half day Symposium workshop)
Instructor: Amie Lamoreaux Hesbach, PT, DPT, CCRP, CCRT
Course Description: This half-day workshop will provide demonstration, discussion, and practical application of therapeutic exercise strategies, tactics, techniques, and progressions based on Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation (PNF) and Pilates, which will assist members of the canine rehabilitation team in providing more efficient and appropriate rehabilitation of canine patients with neuromuscular and musculoskeletal disorders, injuries, and disabilities.
Learning Objectives:
The attendee will develop a logical treatment plan and therapeutic exercise progression for a canine rehabilitation patient with a neurological condition.
The attendee will develop a logical treatment plan and therapeutic exercise progression for a canine rehabilitation patient with an orthopedic condition.
The attendee will develop a logical treatment plan and therapeutic exercise progression for a canine athlete.
The attendee will develop a logical treatment plan and therapeutic exercise progression for a canine rehabilitation patient with urinary incontinence.
Course Outline:
Principles of therapeutic exercise prescription, PNF, and Pilates
Practical application of therapeutic exercise, PNF, and Pilates techniques in canine rehabilitation
4.0 credit hours (RACE Approved)
Symposium Roundtable Discussion Groups
Conditioning Concepts for Return to Sport
Instructor: Laurie Edge-Hughes, BScPT, MAnimSt (Animal Physio), CAFCI, CCRT
Course Description: Are you confused about what, when, why, and how to prescribe exercises for your sporting dog patients as they return to sport? The topic of “Conditioning the Canine Athlete” has gained a lot of traction, but little has been researched with regard to conditioning canines, let alone return-to-sport conditioning after an injury or ailment. Rehabilitation professionals are best suited to address this need; but are you prepared to work with these athletes as they return to their discipline? In this roundtable, we will review what is known and used in working with human athletes from a literature review perspective. Then, we will discuss and brainstorm concepts that can help you get your canine athlete patients back into competition and at the top of their game.
3.0 credit hours (RACE Approved)
Canine Forelimb Lameness: Diagnosis and Medical, Interventional, and Rehabilitative Options
Instructor: Andrea Looney, DVM, DACVAA, DACVSMR, CCRP
Course Description: In this roundtable, we will review diseases that afflict the canine shoulder, elbow, forearm, carpus, and digits in sections via diagnosis, imaging modalities, physical exam, gait characteristics, medical management (including drug therapy, supplements, NSAIDs, adjunct agents, opioids, soft tissue relaxants), rehab modalities (including photobiomodulation, therapeutic ultrasound, iontophoresis, hydro therapy nuances), and interventional therapies (e.g., what to inject, where to inject, evidence in support of PRP, stem cells). This will be an open discussion forum where participants are encouraged to bring their own cases, questions, and problems for conversation and potential solution/treatment options.
3.0 credit hours (RACE Approved)