TITLE: Strain Counterstrain and Gua Sha
HOURS: Thurs. May 1st, 2:15pm - 6:30pm
MAX PARTICIPANTS: 20 (5 Spaces Remaining)
CONTACT HOURS: (4.0 RACE approval pending)
DESCRIPTION: Strain-Counterstrain is an osteopathic technique that works on the myofascial system to address tender point / myofascial trigger points. Learn about the proposed physiologic mechanisms of action. Enjoy the thought processing and learning on a new (to you) technique for tender points / myofascial trigger points. This technique is simple and can be added in to your other therapies or prescribed to your clients as a safe and easy home therapy. Gua Sha is an instrument assisted soft tissue mobilization technique. Try it on yourself, try it on your canine patients. Great for fascia, tendon, and muscle! Also known as Chinese soup spoon technique, scraping technique, or coining technique. Two new fascial techniques to add to your tool kit!
Learning Objectives:
- Participants will learn two new manual techniques that address soft tissue structures.
- Participants will learn the theoretical mechanisms of action for both the Strain-Counterstrain and Gua Sha techniques.
- Participants will enhance their treatment planning skills in order to identify when Strain-Counterstrain or Gua Sha could be most effectively implemented
- Participants will practice the application of Strain-Counterstrain and Gua-Sha on themselves and canine subjects.
Course Outline:
Lecture (Strain Counterstrain)
- Background information and history of the Strain-Counterstrain techniques.
- Validation for the Strain-Counterstrain technique in the literature.
- Proposed physiologic mechanisms of action for the Strain-Counterstrain technique.
- An overview of myofascial trigger points and palpation techniques.
Lab (Strain Counterstrain)
- Palpation of triggerpoints
- Practice Strain-Counterstrain on common forelimb trigger points in the Latissimus Dorsi, Teres Major, Infraspinatus, Supraspinatus, Tricepts, Biceps Brachii, and Scalenes / Cranial Rhomboids.
- Practice Strain-Counterstrain on common rearlimb trigger points in the Iliopsoas, Sartorius, TFL, Gluteals, Piriformis, Hamstrings, Gracilis, Adductors, and Pectineus.
Lecture (GuaSha )
- The theory and science behind GuaSha / Scraping / Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilization
- Literature reviews
- IASTM Guidelines
Lab (GuaSha )
- Practice using different GuaSha tools (feel for adhesions with the tools & try the various tools and techniques on yourself)
- Practice using the different GuaSha tools / techniques along the forelimbs (biceps tendon, supraspinatus, triceps, forearms, between metacarpals or on superficial tendons).
- Practice using the different GuaSha tools on the rearlimbs (gluteals / piriformis, quadriceps, hamstrings, cranial tibialis, gastrocs, between the metatarsals or on the Calcaneal tendon).
- Practice using the different GuaSha tools on the neck and spine (epaxial muscles, intercostal muscles, neck muscles)
Cancellation Policy and Refund Request
To request a refund, please complete and postmark this Workshop Cancellation Form by March 28, 2025. Refunds exclude a $25 processing fee.
Strain Counterstrain and Gua Sha
Laurie Edge-Hughes, BScPT, MAnimSt(Animal Physio), CAFCI, CCRT, CSmAnimAcup/Needling, Co-Owner - The Canine Fitness Centre Ltd., Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Laurie Edge-Hughes obtained her Bachelor of Science in Physical Therapy from the University of Alberta in 1993 and has since focused her post-graduate training on orthopedics, osteopathy, acupuncture, and animal rehabilitation. Additionally, she completed her Master of Animal Studies in Animal Physiotherapy through the University of Queensland (Australia)in 2006. Laurie taught the first canine physiotherapy/physical therapy courses in Canada (1999), the USA(1999), and Australia (2001). She has been involved in the Animal RehabDivision since its inception in 1994 and teaches canine physiotherapy and rehabilitation courses for the Animal Rehab Division (ARD) of the Canadian Physiotherapy Association (CPA). Additionally, she holds the position of Advocacy Lead for the ARD and is chair of the Registry of Allied Animal Health Practitioners of Canada.Laurie taught for ten years for the Canine Rehabilitation Institute in the USA, and continues to lecturer internationally as often as able. In 2020, she was awarded the inaugural Veterinary Rehabilitation Therapist Award by the International Association of Veterinary Rehabilitation and Physical Therapy and in 2021 was awarded a Medal of Distinction by the CPA. Laurie’s biggest teaching venture is currently via www.FourLeg.com, an online educational platform for continuing education in canine rehabilitation / physiotherapy.
Laurie co-owns and practices out of the Canine Fitness Centre Ltd (www.caninefitness.com) in Calgary, Alberta.