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If you've joined us in the past, welcome back!  For those new to STAAR, we are thrilled to include you in our upcoming program! 

2025 is gearing up to be the best STAAR Conference ever, and we've invited some friends from CRI and NC State's certification programs to join us in showcasing their academic programs. This is part of our mission to unite the rehab community, and an unprecedented opportunity for participants to experience these programs (e.g., topics and teaching styles) in a truncated format.

What's New this Year

  • We have a new venue since we outgrew last year's.  Our new home - Hilton Parsippany - is larger with ample room for our growing program.

  • The Exhibit Hall is in the spacious hallway directly outside the classrooms and lunch room. All meals and social events will be held in and around this space.  

  • Thursday Evening's STAAR Cocktail Party will be held in the Exhibit Hall. This year's party theme is Like, Totally 80's. We encourage participants to dig out their spandex, leg warmers, and ripped jeans. We will not have a raffle but are opting for 80's Movie & Music Connection Game instead. So fun for all movie and music fans!!!

  • We are thrilled to welcome and partner with the Canine Rehab Institute and NC State as they present workshops showcasing their academic certification programs.  Check out their workshops throughout the Conference.


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