TITLE: Building Blocks for Canine Fitness
HOURS: Wed. Apr. 30th, 2:15pm - 6:30pm OR Thur. May 1st, 8:30am - 12:45pm
CONTACT HOURS: (4.0 RACE approval pending)
DESCRIPTION: In this Workshop, Participants learn how and when to begin puppies on a conditioning program. Functional therapeutic exercises are important to improve fitness level, strength, performance, reaction time, speed, agility, and balance in the canine athlete; starting puppies out correctly sets them on the right track for success in their sport. Many owners do not know how much exercise to do with puppies and which are appropriate. This course teaches Participants to perform strength evaluations to determine weaknesses and compensation. Participants learn when to start puppies with exercises, how to perform each correctly, and how to develop puppy programs that progress through the varied developmental stages.
Building Blocks for Canine Fitness
Leslie Eide
Ria Acciani received her Masters in Physical Therapy degree from U. of St. Augustine, Florida, and trained directly with Stanley V. Paris, PT, PhD, FAPTA. She has over 25 years of experience in human Physical Therapy, and has specialized in Canine Rehabilitation for more than 20 years. She received her CCRP from UTN and was the first Physical Therapist (PT) in New Jersey to practice on dogs (2000).
Ria owns and operates the Advanced Canine Rehabilitation Center, a practice that focuses on orthopedic and sports rehabilitation of performance and sporting dogs. She travels extensively to national and international dog competitions, and works with top-level competitors. She is the Official Therapist for the AKC US World Team, IFCS US Agility Team, WAO US Agility Team, and has travelled with these teams since 2010. Ria conducts instructional seminars on a variety of topics for dog handlers and educates them on how to prevent injury and enhance performance within their sport. Ria worked closely with Dr. Sherman Canapp and VOSM to establish the rehabilitation protocol for various shoulder and elbow conditions. She has published articles in Veterinary Surgery and Clean Run, and has presented at STAAR (since 2010), IAVRPT, ARSIG/APTA, and SCIVAC. She is a Board Member for ARSIG/APTA and a Member of AARV.